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Why Are We Shackled By Financial Insecurities?

To understand this we must first understand what change we are capable of and the room for growth we possess. To understand the true value of life we must appreciate the inevitability of death. On a tombstone there are three distinct features that measures time for that individual; their birth date, the date of death, and that dash in the middle that joins both. Yes, you heard right that dash in the middle is a measure of time for that individual. Our birth and our death they are already fixed points in life, but that dash in the middle that is where we truly live.

The problem is that many of us spend that gift of time between birth and death only paying bills and not truly living, this is where we become truly shackled, to that job we don’t like, and that endless cycle of paying bills. The question now becomes why? Where did this all start? And the answer to that is, through societal norms.

We are all taught that going to school is the answer to our problems, from quite a young age. While this is true, simply going to school does not create a sustainable future for individuals in and of itself. If this wasn’t enough, what we are further taught is to get a good job so we can take care of our families, again this does help. So far we see a very clear trend; we are socialized to, attend school to then do well (straight A’s), get a ‘good’ job, take care of your family/pay bills. You see no where have we learnt in any of the myriad of institutions for education, how to manage our finances. All they tell us is to save, that summarizes all they have to tell us about our personal finances. Now, don’t get me wrong many have achieved financial freedom through savings, but not only with savings.

Above we see how we have been steered to work so hard to earn money, to pay bills and save. Here we see that we are working too hard for money and our money working too little, s much so that it has become lazy. For this reason we will be anchored to the slavery of money as we are incapable of moving forward in growth. At money masters our goal is to show you how to make every dollar you earn an employee for you. This is an employee that will work for you to make more money (even more employees). This is where you begin to embrace being the master of money, where you become a master of money and no longer a slave.


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